Genetics Bunny

The hastily typed musings of a very busy little Genetics Bunny.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Bad week

I can quite honestly say that the last seven days has been the worst seven days of my entire life. I don't really feel like going into too much detail at the moment so I am just going to say that work is beyond bad and apparently, although I am still not sure why, it is all my fault. The situation seems to be resolving itself slowly now so there may be some light at the end of the tunnel.

If I was a boy I am prety sure it would never have got this bad.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Still down

So due in no small part to my overwhelming urge to enjoy my weekend instead of doing the sensible thing and lying very still, I am still ill.

So this morning I stayed in bed till 11.00 watching very bad TV and then got up, had a bath and a peice of toast, which didn't make me feel too ill, and read a bit of the book which Andrew bought for me called midnight in the garden of good and evil. I used to be an avid reader in my youth but a heavy socialising schedual has preculded me from picking up any books, other than on holiday, for many years. I have come to realise that this yearly 'fix' just isn't enough and it probably isn't very healthy either.

What I like in a good book is engaging characters which I can relate to, an original storyline where the end cannot be predicted from the beginning of the book and an interesting style of writting. I have no qualifications with regards to reviewing books apart from GCSE enligh which I am not sure really counts so I will simply try my hardest to explain whay I like or dislike about the books I am reading.

Midnight in the garden of good and evil is set in the deep south of America in reasonably recent times. I would guess the 90's or 80's and I could probably check by looking at the inside of the book cover but that spoils the suprise and denegrates the writers ability to set the scene. The book follows the observations of a jouralist who has moved to the town of savagnah in the search for a story. The characters he meets are very real and although some of them are extremely flamboiant Berendt never steps over the line into the unbelievable. The Characters are what really make the book such a good read but it also provides an interesting glimpse into life in deep south America leaving you wondering how accurate it is.

In summary if you want to find out how a drag queen hides her 'jewels' read this book.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

The sickness

So I seem to have caught some kind of stomach bug. I won't go into too many details because I don't want to alienate my entire readership of 1. However suffice it to say that I was off work on Friday and the drive back to London was a lot more surreal than it normally is. I just hope that I am back to 100% as soon as possible because being ill at the weekend is a waste of illness to quote homer "ill on a weekend. What are the chances of that happening 3000 to 1?"

Off to put in my obligatory 'family' time now.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Finally joined the minions

Well I have finally sucumbed to creating my very first blog and now of course I think of anything interesting to write. So I guess I should explain why I have decided to start a blog.

For about a year now I have enjoyed reading other peoples blogs and there are several reasons why I think blogs are a good idea:
  1. They are a good way of recording what is going on at a particular time point in your life.
  2. Leading on from point 1, friends and family can keep up with what is going on in your life without the need for regular long phone calls (which I never quite get round to making).
  3. They provide a void into which you can spew your opinions and views without your friends and family getting bored of listening to you whinge on (they can just skim read those bits).
  4. It is good practice to write in a way which is accessable in all areas of life and I think keeping a blog encourages this through the abuse which is inevitably posted by the readership.
  5. You can be in a blogring.
  6. People who know nothing about the interweb will thing you are cool and mysterious (on the otherhand people who do know about the internet may well think you are shallow and a bit of an idiot depending on what you write).
Anyway there are probably loads of other things which I think are cool about blogs but suffice to say that at the moment I think I have quite a lot to say and I am going to say it whether anyone listens or not.